Health & Safety Policy
5th Gospel Christians is committed to the delivery of its obligations under UK Health and Safety legislation. The object of this policy is to identify and take steps to minimise health and safety risks with the aim of reducing the possibility of accidents and adverse incidents involving 5th Gospel Christians Trustees, Volunteers, clients and any local colleagues and partners, and visitors on study tours, with whom we are working in the UK or overseas.
5th Gospel Christians actively encourages safe working habits amongst all its Trustees, Volunteers, Partners, Colleagues and Visitors. All are required, with appropriate briefing, to operate safe working practices and procedures, and to work with due consideration for the safety of others, in particular our clients and local colleagues, whether refugees or indigenous.
The policy is arranged as follows:
General statement of health and safety
Purpose and scope of policy
Responsibilities of trustees, volunteers, partners and clients and visitors on study tours of 5th Gospel Christians
Training and briefing
Health and safety arrangements
Reporting hazards
Risk assessment
First Aid
Emergency arrangements
Working with Display Screen equipment
Manual handling
Policy monitoring and review
Risk assessment forms as appropriate
General Statement of Health and Safety Policy
5th Gospel Christians is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its trustees, volunteers, partners, visitors and clients, as well as any other persons who may be affected by our activities. All should observe any instruction, briefing or procedures relating both to UK and local Health and Safety regulations, so that all are working within the law, whether UK or local. All are encouraged to discuss how these affect their particular tasks and should be able to voice any concerns they may have.
We will need to bear in mind that in most cases we will be using facilities provided by others, e.g. classrooms, meeting rooms, venues for socialising and clients’ accommodation as well as the 5th Gospel Retreats rented flat in Madaba for smaller, informal meetings. Local arrangements for Health and Safety must also be abided by when using these premises.
However, as a UK charity working overseas we should also keep UK legislation firmly in mind.
5th Gospel Christians statement of general policy is:
To take appropriate steps to ensure the working environment is safe and without risk to health of trustees, volunteers, clients and others using the environment. In 5th Gospel Christians case, when working using accommodation offered by others, to be aware of any hazards and report them to the appropriate person as soon as possible.
To maintain safe and healthy working conditions as far as possible where working on premises provided by others under local legislation.
To prevent accidents and work-related ill-health
To consult with trustees and volunteers, clients and partners on matters affecting health and safety
To provide and maintain safe equipment (such as projectors, donated computers and other equipment)
To ensure that any accidents and adverse incidents are properly examined, recorded and relevant action taken to prevent recurrence (such as reporting hazards to premises landlord)
To establish procedures to monitor the operation of the policy and review and revise the policy as needed at regular intervals.
In deciding what is “reasonable” we will need to take into account that we are a UK charity working under UK law but also working overseas in premises provided by others, for which local legislation may also apply. For the sake of all, we must continuously use our skills and experience to make sure all working practices and all items and equipment provided by us, whether donated or owned by 5th Gospel Christians trustees or volunteers, is as free as possible of hazards which could cause injury.
Purpose and Scope
As the General Health and Safety Policy for 5th Gospel Christians, this document outlines how health and safety will be incorporated into its management structure and the responsibilities that it implies for all trustees, volunteers and partners. The policy applies to and will be made available to all trustees and volunteers and covers working in all venues in which we provide a service of any kind to a client. Different concerns will apply to each environment so each will be described separately.
A Health and Safety Officer has been appointed (Judy Ring) who is responsible for:
Ensuring that the 5th Gospel Health and Safety policy is followed by all Trustees, Volunteers and Visitors on observation or study tours
Ensuring that new trustees, volunteers and visitors are adequately trained and briefed before undertaking any visits or work with clients
Ensuring that DBS checks are carried out for Trustees and Volunteers, as appropriate
Approving actions recommended by risk assessments undertaken by trustees or volunteers
Investigating, with other trustees or local colleagues as appropriate, any accidents reported under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013). Where this occurs on school or other property this should be undertaken with the appropriate senior school employee, owner or landlord in line with local laws and regulations as well as to comply with UK regulations.
Responsible for:
Ensuring this policy is put into practice throughout all situations and venues in which 5th Gospel Christians works, bearing in mind we are guests in most situations
Carrying out regular risk assessments of the premises which we rent and hold meetings, and in which therefore it may be deemed to be our responsibility to report any dangerous equipment supplied by the landlord or hazards present and take appropriate action if it involves our own equipment or actions.
Carrying out brief risk assessments in premises which are not our responsibility – e.g. broken windows, chairs or dangerous equipment in the premises used – it is still a duty of care to report any such hazards
Risk assessments of trustee, volunteers, visitor and client roles as appropriate – in particular visiting clients in their own accommodation
To notify the owners/landlord/senior school staff of any hazard noticed during the course of our work in the room supplied for our use
Recording all accidents, incidents and near misses in an accident book, reporting to local and UK authorities as appropriate
Ensuring that all new trustees and volunteers are trained on health and safety issues at their induction and regularly consulted on issues that might ariseIf we are the last users of the room or premises on that day to ensure that windows are closed, lights and equipment switched off and doors locked if appropriate, at the end of the session.
Responsible for:
Planning their own sessions, being aware of surroundings and noting any hazards, listening to clients and taking action to avoid risk (i.e. remove a trip hazard)
Be familiar with the premises they are working in, in particular exit routes and potential dangers.
Dressing appropriately for the tasks being undertaken and in line with cultural sensitivities, appearance, appropriate footwear
Recording and reporting any incidents of concern
Communicating any concerns to the Trustee they are working with – or if in a school building or other meeting place it may be appropriate to inform the authorities of those premises (hazards, breakages etc)
Acting according to 5th Gospel Christian policies and procedures
All 5th Gospel Trustees and Volunteers
Successful implementation of this policy requires commitment and cooperation from all trustees and volunteers. Each individual has a legal obligation under UK law to take reasonable care of his/her own health and safety and the safety of others who may be affected by his/her acts or omissions. Trustees and Volunteers are responsible for familiarising themselves and complying with the charity’s procedures on health and safety, and working to the highest possible standards of safety with regards to activities and working with clients. All Trustees and Volunteers are also responsible for reporting all health and safety concerns to the Trustee working in this area, recording all injuries and accidents caused by the working environment as soon as possible in an Accident Book/Form, reporting to Trustees; and if appropriate, also to the authorities of the premises they are working in. If a Trustee is unsure how to perform a task safely, or believe it would be dangerous to do so (Risk Assessment) should inform their senior Trustee or one available locally.
Health and Safety Training
Health and safety training will be given to new Trustees and Volunteers, which is appropriate to the role they will be undertaking and areas in which they will be working. Visitors on Study Tours will have a briefing which will include an element of Health and Safety appropriate to the culture, environment and situations they will be observing.
Health and Safety arrangements
Reporting health and safety hazards
This will depend on the location of the hazard. If in premises belonging to a school or a church or other organisation, this should be reported to the school or church authorities who will be responsible for dealing with it.
If in the 5th Gospel Retreats’ rented flat, if the hazard cannot be dealt with by the renter this will be reported to the landlord for action.
Any accidents should be recorded in an Accident Book held for the purpose. Incidents, near accidents or other hazardous conditions should also be reported so that action can be taken by the relevant authority.
Risk assessment
All Trustees and Volunteers should undertake their own risk assessment according to the location of their work and the nature of work they will be undertaking. We work in pairs, with one person, or with groups of several vulnerable people, adults and/or children.
Trustees will frequently be visiting refugees, who may also have children present, in the clients’ accommodation, usually accompanied by an interpreter who may also be a refugee. The accommodation may be in an unsafe condition with obvious hazards. Mental or physical health of the client may be an issue. Risk assessment should include assessment of one’s own safety in a given environment, with any action that can be taken to avoid harm to either client, the interpreter (for whom 5GC is temporarily responsible) or the Trustee.
NB – for DBS purposes, refugees are not classed as vulnerable.
Volunteer teachers will generally be working in pairs with groups, on premises which are owned by other organisations, schools etc. They should carry out a similar risk assessment for their own work, bearing in mind they are working with groups of vulnerable people. Hazards should be reported to the relevant authorities.
Health workers (who may be Trustees or Volunteers) with 5th Gospel Christians will not normally be carrying out professional work themselves (this is subject to many regulations), but may be acting in an advisory, research or advocacy capacity. This work may include visiting clients in their own accommodation, so would need to undertake a risk assessment similar to that of a Trustee, as above. Visits to medical establishments would need to include awareness of cultural and professional sensitivity.
First Aid, Fire and Emergency arrangements
A school or church would have its own procedures established and those working there should familiarise themselves with local procedures. Ideally, a visiting Trustee should be a qualified first aider but in practice this is often not possible. As small meetings are held in the 5th Gospel flat, appropriate fire precautions should be made – fire extinguisher, evacuation plan, procedures for handling any emergencies there, exits marked and guests and volunteers familiarise themselves with arrangements and use of any equipment and first aid material in the flat.
Working with Display Screen Equipment (DSE)
All Trustees and Volunteers who, as part of their work for 5th Gospel Christians, use DSE continuously for periods of an hour or more on most days worked, will be given guidelines on using DSE (taking adequate breaks away from screen, posture advice and avoiding Repetitive Strain Injury.
Manual Handling
5th Gospel Christians will comply with the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 which place a requirement on the employer and employee to reduce the hazards to health associated with the manual handling of loads. As far as is reasonably practical, we shall:
Avoid manual handling operations where a significant risk of injury could occur
Introduce appropriate measures to reduce the risk of injury
Assess the risks associated with a particular task
Advise on ergonomically suitable workplace environment and methods of lifting and posture.
Policy Monitoring and Review
This Policy will be monitored and compliance noted and actions taken as needed. The policy will be reviewed every 2 years or when it becomes clear that changes are needed.